HappyBlock Project Info Summary (03.20–03.26)

5 min readMar 29, 2021



Wootrade: Wootrade releases Wooracle, a DeFi Oracle.

xDeFi: xDeFi starts the liquidity mining.

Phala: Phala is testing the Rococo parachain slot queue.

Akropolis: Akro held a MEME community event in partnership with HappyBlock.

Bifrost: Bifrost launched vETH holding airdrop and DODO liquidity incentivization.

TrustBase: TrustBase reached a partnership with Phala.



1/ The Wootrade released the AMM series article AMM Series 3: 5 Minutes to Read What is On-Chain Liquidity and “Tradable Quotes””.

2/ A new video series from Wootrade, “Let’s Talk Liquidity,” features Mark Pimentel, co-CEO of Wootrade. In the first episode, Mark explains how to make efficient decisions in a market with complicated information.

More information: “Mark Pimentel: Understanding the mindset of professional traders”

3/ Wootrade trading platform WOO X launched the SushiSwap $SUSHI token trading pair.

4/ Wootrade released Wooracle, a DeFi Oracle, and applied it to dFuture, a decentralized perpetual contract exchange, to provide users with faster, more real-time, and better on-chain price.

Website: https://woo.network/



1/ On March 19, xDeFi completed the bonding curve auction of 225,000 bXDEX on the PentaLaunch.

2/ xDeFi is listed on Uniswap on March 22 and started liquidity mining in the afternoon of March 25, with the first phase of 17 tokens pool supporting the XDEX, UNI, SUSHI and other.

3/ On March 24, the xDeFi invited community users of the Bounty Program and the first round of BSC Grant voting event for the first and second rounds of the Ethereum Kovan test network to airdrop a total of 580,970 XDEX tokens.

4/ March 23, XDEX is listed on HBTC exchange, launch XDEX/USDT trading pair

5/ March 23, XDEX is listed on Hotbit exchange, launch XDEX/USDT trading pair

Website: https://xdefi.com/

Phala Network


1/ Phala published Privacy Weekly Report #4, an article summarizing the weekly project information of Oasis Network, Secret Network and other privacy projects.

2/ “The Late Ming Dynasty Silver Crisis and the Future of Bitcoin” is published on Phala Recommended Reading.

3/ Phala is testing the Rococo parachain slot auction and is currently in the waiting queue.

4/ Phala released the latest Weekly Phala Report, featuring Phala’s campaign for the Polkadot Decoded 2021 seat and more.

More information: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI5Mjg1Mjk1OQ==&mid=2247488299&idx=1&sn=63081945089368dc9f6566f185b6f662&scene=21#wechat_redirect


1/ Phala Network and TrustBase reached a formal cooperation, and both parties will have in-depth communication around the construction of Polkadot ecosystem infrastructure.

2/ Phala Network entered into a partnership with Neukind, the largest blockchain node deployment platform in Japan.

Website: http://phala.network/



1/ As of March 26, 2021, Delphi has 2,896 active members and $24.14M TVL

2/ The progress of Akropolis development.

3/ Product progress. Akropolis team updated the Dashboard page to better represent information about it. Continued with the next iteration of the dApp UI/UX to enhance the user experience.

4/ Akropolis and HappyBlock co-organized the MEME contest. Create an original emoji with Akropolis elements. MEME will be open from March 22, 2021 to April 8, 2021, and the contest will be open from April 8, 2021 to April 16, 2021.

More information: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAxNTcyMzIyNQ==&mid=2247484551&idx=1&sn=a54d267280e0d73fba57eb9c02b78c27&scene=21#wechat_redirect

Website: https://akropolis.io/



1/ Bifrsot started the vETH hold airdrop on March 26 at 14:00, while Bifrost will also start the DODO liquidity incentive on April 2. Previously, Bifrost has conducted two vETH hold airdrops with a total volume of 17,788 vETH.

2/ Bifrost updated “Bifrost 101” video series, which systematically introduces the origin of Bifrost, vToken and Slash and other risk control security knowledge.

Video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIyODk1OTIyMw==&mid=2247488021&idx=1&sn=761216524e859cfa2d23cb0796244f93&scene=21#wechat_redirect

3/ Bifrost is testing the Rococo parachain slot auction and is currently in the waiting queue.

4/ Bifrost released the latest weekly report, including the progress of technology development, project ecosystem construction, etc.

Weekly Report #47

Website: https://bifrost.finance/



1/ TrustBase and Phala reached a strategic partnership based on the design of the underlying economic model.

2/ TrustBase published weekly reports, including project technical updates, community building, progress, etc.

Website: https://trustbase.network/


Twitter: @RealHappyBlock

Twitter(France): @HappyBlockFR1



Telegram: https://t.me/HappyBlock_Official

Telegram: https://t.me/HappyBlock_Vietnam

Medium: https://happyblock.medium.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happyblock.hb.9




Written by HappyBlock

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