HappyBlock Project Info Summary (03.13–03.19)

5 min readMar 21, 2021


Wootrade: Wootrade has participated in the Marlin Protocol, a sub-pool of SushiSwap.

XDeFi: XDeFi will have an auction on PentaLaunch.

Phala Network: Phala released the NFT token — Phala Privacy Pill.

Akropolis: AKRO team started the swap of ADEL to vAKRO.

Litentry: Litentry launches LIT/REEF stake campaign on Reef Bonds.

TrustBase: TrustBase reached cooperation with Idavoll, Ares, and others.



1/ Wootrade will be integrated into the Mirin protocol, a sub-pool on the SushiSwap. The WOO token will be added to the Onsen to bring more revenue for liquidity providers.

More information: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU3NjQzNzc2NA==&mid=2247484723&idx=1&sn=4f29b2628dbb21fcea329271915bda83&scene=21#wechat_redirect

2/ Wootrade has released the article Liquidity Integrator — Wootrade Bridges CeFi and DeFi. This series of articles is a declaration that the Wootrade “advance” into the DeFi ecosystem. It will further explain how Wootrade has broadened the cryptocurrency gate for both institutional and individual investors, establishing more efficient infrastructure for the entire market.

3/ The WOO X pre-registration and testing have been completed, the final vision will be launched soon. A product questionnaire has been sent to the Beta test-user.

4/ The “Let’s Talk Liquidity” #2 will be updated on YouTube soon, and Terence Wu, CTO of Wootrade, will be the guest.

Website: https://woo.network/



1/ XDeFi is conducting the token auction at PentaLaunch on March 19, which lasts until March 24, with a starting price of $0.32 and a maximum limit of 1,000 XDEX for a single address.

2/ XDeFi successfully concluded the voting for the BSC GRANT ROUND1 event posted on DoraHacks

3/ For more information about the development of the XDeFi, please refer to the GitHub repo:


1/ Turbulence Wang, co-founder of XDeFi, was a guest at Hotbit on March 19 to introduce information and developments about the XDeFi

Website: https://xdefi.com/

Phala Network


1/ Phala released “Privacy Weekly report #3”, an article summarizing the weekly summary of Oasis Network, Secret Network, and other privacy projects.

2/ Phala collaborated with artist DailyDose to launch an NFT product, the Phala Privacy Pill, which was completed on the sale on Rarible.

3/ Phala released the Weekly Report, including the total number of Phala community exceeded 90,000 people and other development information.

Website: http://phala.network/



1/ As of March 12, 2021, Delphi has 2,874 active members and $28,185,318 TVL.

2/ Development Update.

The team started working with the Consensys Diligence to begin the fuzz testing for smart contracts of ADEL to vAKRO swap and vAKRO & Yearn Vaults proxy contracts, optimizing the platform and fix potential bugs.

Updated the user interface section, optimized the experience of dApps, expanded Vault Pool deposits for multiple stable coins, and iterated DCA function.

Website: https://akropolis.io/



1/ Litentry reached the strategic partnership with Paralink. Litentry will integrate Paralink cross-chain oracle into its service platform.

2/ Litentry released the Weekly Report, including the progress of the Litentry test network, app development, and other.

3/ On March 18, Litentry conducted an AMA at the Binance Spain Telegram community.

4/ Litentry launched the LIT/REEF stake event at Reef Bonds in cooperation with Reef Finance.

Website: https://www.litentry.com/



1/ TrustBase released the Weekly Report for March (last), including the beginning of overall benchmark testing of TrustBase CC2.

2/ TrustBase first emoji contest begins.

Participate: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3MTU1NDg1NQ==&mid=2247485094&idx=1&sn=871e7e22a4b8e2daca9859db0534ebea&scene=21#wechat_redirect


1/ TrustBase reached strategic cooperation with Idavoll, both parties will cooperate around the infrastructure data construction of the Polkadot ecosystem and economy.

2/ TrustBase reached the strategic cooperation with Ares Protocol, TrustBase will provide the interface and facilitate the data service.

Website: https://trustbase.network/


Twitter: @RealHappyBlock

Twitter(France): @HappyBlockFR1



Telegram: https://t.me/HappyBlock_Official

Telegram: https://t.me/HappyBlock_Vietnam

Medium: https://happyblock.medium.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happyblock.hb.9




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